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== '''People who are interested in our group or searching for a postdoc position are requested to contact [[Nojun Kwak | Prof. Kwak]] ([mailto:nojunk@snu.ac.kr nojunk@snu.ac.kr]).''' ==  
== '''People who are interested in our group or searching for a postdoc position are requested to contact [[Nojun Kwak | Prof. Kwak]] ([mailto:nojunk@snu.ac.kr nojunk@snu.ac.kr]).''' ==  
* [[Media: MIPAL_introduction.pdf| Introduction to MIPAL]] / [http://convergence.snu.ac.kr/main/archives/portfolio-items/%EC%BB%B4%ED%93%A8%ED%84%B0%EC%A7%80%EB%8A%A5-%EB%B0%8F-%ED%8C%A8%ED%84%B4%EC%9D%B8%EC%8B%9D-%EC%97%B0%EA%B5%AC%EC%8B%A4-%EB%B6%80%EA%B5%90%EC%88%98-%EA%B3%BD%EB%85%B8%EC%A4%80-%EC%A0%84%EA%B3%B5?portfolioCats=101%2C102%2C107%2C104 Video Clip] / [http://scai.snu.ac.kr/ SNU's Center for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI)]
* [[Media: MIPAL_introduction.pdf| Introduction to MIPAL]] / [https://convergence.snu.ac.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=lab&wr_id=8 Video Clip], [https://youtu.be/hEjuoB5jHvE?si=uzQ8_Rew1O7l4V-I Intro.] / [http://aiis.snu.ac.kr/ AI Institute SNU (AIIS)]
* For more information on admission, please visit the [http://convergence.snu.ac.kr homepage of SNU GSCST].  
* For more information on admission, please visit the [http://convergence.snu.ac.kr homepage of SNU GSCST] and [https://gsai.snu.ac.kr/%ea%b5%90%ec%88%98%ec%a7%84-%eb%aa%a9%eb%a1%9d/ GSAI].  
* Intro. to MIPAL (appeared in [https://youtu.be/fB0EUWEVvMY BCS-AI@SNU mini-lecture burst series])  
* Intro. to MIPAL (appeared in [https://youtu.be/fB0EUWEVvMY BCS-AI@SNU mini-lecture burst series])  
* [https://github.com/MIPAL-SNU MIPAL GitHub] (New Joiner Tutorials and Group Study Archives)
* [https://www.youtube.com/@mipal-snu8300 MIPAL Youtube] (Weekly Seminar Recordings)
<!-- * From Aug. 2019, prof. Kwak is on his sabbatical leave for [https://www.qualcomm.com/invention/artificial-intelligence/ai-research Qualcomm AI Research], San Diego.
<!-- * From Aug. 2019, prof. Kwak is on his sabbatical leave for [https://www.qualcomm.com/invention/artificial-intelligence/ai-research Qualcomm AI Research], San Diego.
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== '''News''' ==
== '''News''' ==
* ''' 5 Ph.D. Students are Graduating this August. Many conglatulations to [[Jaeyoung Yoo| Jaeyoung Yoo]], [[Jisoo Jeong| Jisoo Jeong]], [[Hyojin Park| Hyojin Park]], [[John H. Yang| John Yang]] and [[Seonhoon Kim|Seonhoon Kim]]!!!'''  
* ''' A paper has been accepted in NeurIPS 2024.''' (Deep Support Vectors)
* ''' [[KiYoon Yoo | KiYoon Yoo]] achieved his Ph.D. degree last summer. Many congratulations!'''
* ''' A paper has been accepted in ECCV 2024.''' (Protagonist Editing in Video Diffusion Models)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in NAACL 2024.''' (Multi-bit text watermarking)
* ''' Three papers have been accepted in CVPR 2024 workshops.''' (Video highlight detection, Coreset selection, White-bear problem)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in CVPR 2024.''' (Test-time adaptation in object detection)
* ''' Two papers have been accepted in ICLR 2024 workshops'''. (Domain Adaptation in Wild-fire Detection / Open-Domain Generalization)
* ''' Six Ph.D students and one Ms. student are graduating this February! Many congrats to [[Sangho Lee |Sangho Lee]], [[Saem Park | Saem Park]], [[SeongUk Park | SeongUk Park]], [[Wonmin Cho | Wonmin Cho]], [[Hojun Lee | Hojun Lee]], [[Inseop Chung | Inseop Chung]] and [[Seungwoo Lee | Seungwoo Lee]]!
* ''' A paper has been accepted in Signal Processing.''' (Generalized mean for subspace learning; A cowork with [[Jiyong Oh | Dr. Jiyong Oh]].)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in ICLR 2024.''' (Explanation of AI)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in AAAI 2024.''' (Any-way Meta-learning)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in WACV 2024.''' (Relighting NeRF)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in NeurIPS 2023 Workshop.''' (ConcatPlexer)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in NeurIPS 2023.''' (Meta-learning)
* ''' A paper has been published in IEEE Access.''' (Super-resolution)
* ''' [[Hyemin Won | Hyemin Won]], [[Chaerin Kong | Chaerin Kong]] and [[Donghoon Han | Donghoon Han]] have graduated this summer. Many congratulations! '''
* ''' A paper has been accepted in ACM MM 2023.''' (Network Pruning)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in ICCV 2023.''' (Few-shot NeRF)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in Sensors.''' (Image recommender system)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in UAI 2023.''' (Multi-person Pose Estimation)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in CVPR 2023 Workshop.''' (Audio-aligned Diffusion Model)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in ACL 2023.''' (Text Watermarking)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in ICML 2023.''' (End-to-end Object Detection)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in IEEE Access.''' (Repeated Translation in Generative Models)
* ''' Two papers have been accepted in ICLR 2023 workshops.''' (Sleep-staging, Guidance in Diffusion Model)
* '''[[Jaeseok Choi | Jaeseok Choi]] and [[Jiho Jang | Jiho Jang]] have just graduated! Many congratulations to both of you!
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://cvpr2023.thecvf.com/ CVPR 2023].''' (Few-shot NeRF)
* ''' We have a paper accepted in [https://2023.ieeeicassp.org/ ICASSP 2023]'''. (Object Removal)
* ''' Our paper "Exploiting Inter-pixel Correlations in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation" won the best paper award in [https://vap.aau.dk/rws2023-program/ The 3rd Workshop on Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges at WACV2023]!
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9996406 IEEE Access]'''. (Model Compression)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-23/ AAAI 2023]'''. (Multimodal Unified Representation Learning)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://vap.aau.dk/rws-wacv2023/ WACV 2023 Workshop]'''. (Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation)
* ''' Two papers have been accepted in [https://wacv2023.thecvf.com/home WACV 2023]'''. (Self-Distilled Self Supervised Learning, Fashion Image Editing by Diffusion Model)
* ''' [https://cs.kookmin.ac.kr/news/notice/2096?sc=326 Dr. [[Jangho Kim | Jangho Kim]] joined Kookmin University as a faculty member in September 2022].
* In 2022, we have published '''3 CVPR, 2 ECCV, 1 ICML, 1 EMNLP, 3 WACV, 1 Findings of ACL, 1 BMVC''' papers as well as 4 other conference and 3 journal papers. 
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://2022.emnlp.org/ EMNLP 2022]'''. (Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://bmvc2022.org/ BMVC 2022]'''. (Neural Scene Graph)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9903612 IEEE Access]'''. (3D Object Detection)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in Sensors'''. (Face Recognition)
* ''' Two papers have been accepted in [https://eccv2022.ecva.net/ ECCV 2022]'''. (Domain Adaptation for Object Detection, Few-shot Image Generation)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://icml.cc/ ICML 2022]'''. (Variational on the fly Personalization)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://fl4nlp.github.io/ ACL2022 workshop].''' (Backdoor Attack in Federated Learning)
* ''' Three papers have been accepted in [https://cvpr2022.thecvf.com/ CVPR 2022].''' (Semi-supervised Optical Flow, Image Matting, Semi-supervised object detection)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://www.2022.aclweb.org/ Findings of ACL 2022].''' (Detection of Adversarial Examples in NLP)
* ''' We have a paper accepted in [https://www.radarconf2022.org/ RadarConf 2022].''' (RD map augmentation)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://icpram.scitevents.org/ ICPRAM 2022].''' (Video Inter-frame Generation)
* ''' Three papers have been accepted in [https://wacv2022.thecvf.com/home WACV 2022].''' (Few Shot Object Detection, Domain Adapted Semantic Segmentation, Hand Pose Estimation)
* ''' 3 Ph.D. Students are Graduating this February. Many congratulations to [[Jee-soo Kim| Jeesoo Kim]], [[Jangho Kim| Jangho Kim]] and [[Simyung Chang| Simyung Chang]]!!!'''
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://iconip2021.apnns.org/ ICONIP 2021].''' (Object Insertion to an image)
* ''' A paper will be published in IEEE Access.''' (Video Object Segmentation)
* '''Prof. Kwak has [http://www.aitimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=139736 an interview with AiTimes].'''
* ''' 5 Ph.D. Students are Graduating this August. Many congratulations to [[Jaeyoung Yoo| Jaeyoung Yoo]], [[Jisoo Jeong| Jisoo Jeong]], [[Hyojin Park| Hyojin Park]], [[John H. Yang| John Yang]] and [[Seonhoon Kim|Seonhoon Kim]]!!!'''  
* ''' Three papers have been accepted in [http://iccv2021.thecvf.com/home ICCV 2021]''' (Object Detection, Weakly-Supervised Object Localization, Class Activation Map)
* ''' Three papers have been accepted in [http://iccv2021.thecvf.com/home ICCV 2021]''' (Object Detection, Weakly-Supervised Object Localization, Class Activation Map)
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* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://www.iros2021.org/ IROS 2021].''' (3D data augmentation)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://www.iros2021.org/ IROS 2021].''' (3D data augmentation)
* ''' '[https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2021W/EVW/papers/Lin_Phase_Selective_Convolution_CVPRW_2021_paper.pdf Phase Selective Convolution]' done @[https://www.qualcomm.com/research/artificial-intelligence/ai-research QAIR] got best paper award at [https://embeddedvisionworkshop.wordpress.com/ Embedded Vision Workshop @ CVPR2021]'''.
* ''' '[https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2021W/EVW/papers/Lin_Phase_Selective_Convolution_CVPRW_2021_paper.pdf Phase Selective Convolution]' done @[https://www.qualcomm.com/research/artificial-intelligence/ai-research QAIR] got the ''best paper award'' at [https://embeddedvisionworkshop.wordpress.com/ Embedded Vision Workshop @ CVPR2021]'''.
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://www.interspeech2021.org/ InterSpeech 2021].''' (Pruning, Quantization, and Knowledge Distillation)
* ''' A paper has been accepted in [https://www.interspeech2021.org/ InterSpeech 2021].''' (Pruning, Quantization, and Knowledge Distillation)
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* ''' We have a paper accepted in [https://aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-21/ AAAI 2021]''' (Video QA)
* ''' We have a paper accepted in [https://aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-21/ AAAI 2021]''' (Video QA)
* In 2021, we have published '''1 AAAI, 1 ICASSP, 2 CVPR, 1 CVPRW, 1 InterSpeech, 1 ICLRW, 1 IROS, 3 ICCV, 1 ICONIP, 1 TinyML''' papers as well as 4 journal papers.
* In 2020, we have published '''2 AAAI, 2 ECCV, 1 ICML, 1 NeurIPS, 1 WACV, 1 ECAI, 2 CVPRW, 2 ICIP, 1 ICPR''' papers as well as 2 journal papers.
* In 2020, we have published '''2 AAAI, 2 ECCV, 1 ICML, 1 NeurIPS, 1 WACV, 1 ECAI, 2 CVPRW, 2 ICIP, 1 ICPR''' papers as well as 2 journal papers.
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== '''Research Areas'''==  
== '''Research Areas'''==  
* Un-/ Semi-/ Weakly Supervised Learning
* Un-/ Self-/ Semi-/ Weakly Supervised Learning
* Model Compression
* Model Compression
* Object Detection
* Object Detection
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* Image Translation / Synthesis
* Image Translation / Synthesis
* Super Resolution / Image Restoration
* Super Resolution / Image Restoration
* Reinforcement Learning
* Generative Models
* Natural Language Processing
* Visual Question Answering
* Visual Question Answering
* Semantic Sentence Matching
* Multi-modal Representation Learning
* Radar Signal Processing
* Radar Signal Processing

Latest revision as of 10:06, 26 September 2024

People who are interested in our group or searching for a postdoc position are requested to contact Prof. Kwak (nojunk@snu.ac.kr).

  • MIPAL GitHub (New Joiner Tutorials and Group Study Archives)



  • A paper has been accepted in NeurIPS 2024. (Deep Support Vectors)
  • KiYoon Yoo achieved his Ph.D. degree last summer. Many congratulations!
  • A paper has been accepted in ECCV 2024. (Protagonist Editing in Video Diffusion Models)
  • A paper has been accepted in NAACL 2024. (Multi-bit text watermarking)
  • Three papers have been accepted in CVPR 2024 workshops. (Video highlight detection, Coreset selection, White-bear problem)
  • A paper has been accepted in CVPR 2024. (Test-time adaptation in object detection)
  • Two papers have been accepted in ICLR 2024 workshops. (Domain Adaptation in Wild-fire Detection / Open-Domain Generalization)
  • A paper has been accepted in Signal Processing. (Generalized mean for subspace learning; A cowork with Dr. Jiyong Oh.)
  • A paper has been accepted in ICLR 2024. (Explanation of AI)
  • A paper has been accepted in AAAI 2024. (Any-way Meta-learning)
  • A paper has been accepted in WACV 2024. (Relighting NeRF)
  • A paper has been accepted in NeurIPS 2023 Workshop. (ConcatPlexer)
  • A paper has been accepted in NeurIPS 2023. (Meta-learning)
  • A paper has been published in IEEE Access. (Super-resolution)
  • A paper has been accepted in ACM MM 2023. (Network Pruning)
  • A paper has been accepted in ICCV 2023. (Few-shot NeRF)
  • A paper has been accepted in Sensors. (Image recommender system)
  • A paper has been accepted in UAI 2023. (Multi-person Pose Estimation)
  • A paper has been accepted in CVPR 2023 Workshop. (Audio-aligned Diffusion Model)
  • A paper has been accepted in ACL 2023. (Text Watermarking)
  • A paper has been accepted in ICML 2023. (End-to-end Object Detection)
  • A paper has been accepted in IEEE Access. (Repeated Translation in Generative Models)
  • Two papers have been accepted in ICLR 2023 workshops. (Sleep-staging, Guidance in Diffusion Model)
  • A paper has been accepted in CVPR 2023. (Few-shot NeRF)
  • We have a paper accepted in ICASSP 2023. (Object Removal)
  • A paper has been accepted in IEEE Access. (Model Compression)
  • A paper has been accepted in AAAI 2023. (Multimodal Unified Representation Learning)
  • A paper has been accepted in WACV 2023 Workshop. (Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation)
  • Two papers have been accepted in WACV 2023. (Self-Distilled Self Supervised Learning, Fashion Image Editing by Diffusion Model)

  • In 2022, we have published 3 CVPR, 2 ECCV, 1 ICML, 1 EMNLP, 3 WACV, 1 Findings of ACL, 1 BMVC papers as well as 4 other conference and 3 journal papers.
  • In 2021, we have published 1 AAAI, 1 ICASSP, 2 CVPR, 1 CVPRW, 1 InterSpeech, 1 ICLRW, 1 IROS, 3 ICCV, 1 ICONIP, 1 TinyML papers as well as 4 journal papers.
  • In 2020, we have published 2 AAAI, 2 ECCV, 1 ICML, 1 NeurIPS, 1 WACV, 1 ECAI, 2 CVPRW, 2 ICIP, 1 ICPR papers as well as 2 journal papers.
  • In 2019, we have published 1 ACL, 1 AAAI, 2 ICCV, 1 NeurIPS, 1 IJCNN, 1 ACML, 2 ICPRAM, 1 RadarConf papers as well as 4 journal papers.
  • In 2018, we have published 2 CVPR, 2 ECCV, 2 BMVC, 2 NeurIPS and 1 ISMIR papers on deep learning and 2 EuMW and 1 MIKON papers on radar signal processing as well as 2 journal papers (IEEE TIP and PR).

Research Areas

  • Un-/ Self-/ Semi-/ Weakly Supervised Learning
  • Model Compression
  • Object Detection
  • Semantic Segmentation
  • Pose Estimation
  • Image Translation / Synthesis
  • Super Resolution / Image Restoration
  • Generative Models
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Visual Question Answering
  • Multi-modal Representation Learning
  • Radar Signal Processing

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